A loan helped an Army Veteran owned restaurant maintains operation costs.

Aareille's story

I was born in Detroit, Michigan, but grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. My mother was the only consistent parent in the lives of my siblings and me. Together we have faced financial deprivation, homelessness, and illness; throughout it all, we have maintained our faith and hustle to keep moving forward no matter what cards were laid out in front of us.

Little did I know the struggles we face will prepare me for the military. In 2014 I signed up to be a soldier. I spent four years in the United States Army and have traveled across the USA and overseas. I have sacrificed so much but was able to obtain my BA in English Literature and later my MBA.

After completing my time in service, I decided the next step was to be an entrepreneur. My family and I have spent many years fantasizing about a restaurant we could call our own, and at the beginning of this year, we were able to make it happen. Using our family recipes, we created Masani Breakfast Bar.

This loan is special because:

It helps this business continue to grow.

Loan details

About Masani Breakfast Bar

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: Masanibreakfastbar.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details