A loan helped with upgrades, purchasing new equipment and expanding my ability to continue to hire locals.

Nevada's story

My name is Nevada and I am the owner of N.A.S.CUT LANDSCAPING LLC. I have a strong passion for landscaping. After years of being a loyal employee for a larger company, I ended up losing my job due to COVID-19 and instead of going on unemployment, I took my stimulus check and started my own company. I'm from the great state of Georgia. Born and Raised!

In the short amount of time of been in business, I’ve faced and overcame many challenges and for a while, I did throw in the towel. After experiencing my brother being a missing person and then found murdered at the end of last year. Someone I thought that I could trust took advantage of my kindness and stole the majority of my equipment. I didn't know what was left for me. Just like that my brother and my passion were gone.

Months passed and I started to look at my community rebuilding itself after covid-19 and after so many losses. Then knew I could do the same. So I started to reinvest in my passion and connect with people in my community and we now have an amazing team of hard-working skilled individuals. I see the value in our work and how it impacts the customers in our community.

Luckily, I’ve been able to overcome a lot of obstacles over these past years. but there are things that I still need help with. Having a properly functioning truck and new landscaping equipment would allow me to be more efficient when serving my customers and would also allow me to cover other expenses like supplies and payroll.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details


Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: nascutlandscaping.biz

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details