A loan helped to supply operating capital for improving his production of nectarines and corn.

Damian's story

Damian is an active man who is full of hopes and dreams of improving his family’s life. From a young age, he has been farming in the warm valley where he lives. He produces corn and nectarines. Both crops are sources of income that help to sustain his family. Damian wants to provide opportunities for his children so that they can have the option to leave farming in order to improve their lives.

With the intention of securing investment capital to improve his production and his land, as well as buy some needed equipment for producing his crops, he approached Sembrar Sartawi so that he could receive advice and a loan in order to achieve his objective.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers smooth their income and protect against the effects of climate change.

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