A loan helped to buy fertilizer and to pay for the harvesting of wheat.

Xhuljana's story

Xhuljana, 26, is married and the proud mother of little girl. To provide for her family. Xhuljana does agricultural activities. She has 12 dynym [about 1.2 hectares] of family land, which is planted with different crops.

As this is the only activity from which she is generating income, Xhuljana is trying very hard to work effectively in order to have a good harvest and generate a good income at the end of the season.

Xhuljana is asking for the third time for Kiva lenders' support, this time to buy fertilizer and to pay for the harvesting of wheat, to enable a good income for her family.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details