A loan helped to pay for bricks to repair her home and to build her store.

Harriet's story

Harriet, aged 37, is married and a mother of four children. Her husband is a seasonal worker and only three of her children attend school. She lives with her husband and children in a shanty community, which is a 20 minutes drive to town. She currently runs a retail store and specializes in baking doughnuts.

She started this business with the aim of meeting her family needs and wants. Her dream is to build a permanent home for her children. Her current plan is to build a permanent space to run her retail store and repair her home. However, she needs financial assistance to carry out her plan.

She is requesting a loan to pay for bricks to repair her home, and to build her store. With a separate retail space, she will be able to carry more products and cater to more customers. From the income earned, she will pay for her children's school fees and save money to invest in her future plans.

Please kindly lend to Harriet!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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