A loan helped a member to buy detergent and fabric softeners and to maintain the washing machines.

Kuña Guapa Group's story

The group named Kuña Guapa started thanks to one of the members of the group, who invited the other members to improve themselves and get ahead. In addition, they are part of the poverty elimination program.

One of the members is Paula Carolina. She is in a relationship and has a small daughter.

She makes a living from laundry services. She set up her small laundry with a washer and dryer. She already has a set clientele within the city with established times so that she schedules her deliveries. Little by little, she has been improving her business and she wants to continue doing so since she is helping her family with it.

She is happy for the opportunity of being part of the group, which will be very helpful to her. She is requesting this loan to buy detergent and fabric softener, and to maintain her machines.

Note: In the photo only one person appears, but this is a group loan. It was not possible to take a group photo in order to avoid crowding people due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Zonia Elizabeth, Claudia Beatriz, Aida Liz, Liz Odalia, Emigdia, Natalia Giselle, Julia, Adis Antonia, Vidalia, Maria Benita, Liz Mabel, Eva Edelina, Elva Rosa, Maria Teresa, Carmen, Nilza Ramona, Liza Liliana, Celsa Idalina, Lizza Liliana, Elizandra, Liz Margarita, Paula Carolina, Ady Monserrat

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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