A loan helped to purchase sacks of fertilizers and other farm inputs.

Leslie's story

Leslie M. is from the town of Banga. She is 19 years old. Leslie is single. She is engaged in farming and currently helps in tilling her family's rice farm. She said she had to stop going to college due to financial difficulties in her family. She is working hard to be able to save for her college education. She hopes to graduate and find a decent job so she can still help her family financially.

Leslie joined CEVI to gain access to financial services to help improve her living situation and her ability to engage in business activities. Leslie has successfully repaid a previous loan from CEVI. Leslie is requesting a new loan of 8000 PHP which will be used to purchase sacks of fertilizers and other farm inputs. She plans to use the additional revenue generated from the business to save for her college education.

Loan details

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