A loan helped to purchase used mobile phones to resell them to the locals.

Bukurije's story

Bukurije is a 48-year-old mother of three children. For about six years, Bukurije has been working as a saleswoman, selling new and used mobile phones at an affordable price to the locals. Having worked for about six years, Bukurije knows that used mobile phones tend to deliver a better profit margin than the new ones.

Bukurije is now planning to make the next move in her life. She has decided to apply for a Kiva loan. The loan will be used to purchase used mobile phones to resell them to the locals. As a result, Bukurije and her family will have all the necessary means to make a better life for themselves.

Bukurije is forever grateful to all Kiva lenders for their support. She wishes you and your family all the best.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details