A loan helped a member to buy more thread as orders for her traditional textiles have increased.

Quiajola 3 Rosas Group's story

Twenty-two-year-old Gladys graduated from high school with an accounting diploma but was unable to find work. She married her husband when she was 16 years old and several years ago he left for the United States. The couple doesn’t have children.

When she was 6 years old, she started working with her mother, who had her own business. Then, six years ago, she began her own business selling pewter vessels and weaving colorful traditional wraparound skirts/”cortes” and beautiful blouses/”huipiles.”

She visits various markets near her community. Gladys wants her businesses to keep growing. She requests her first Kiva loan to buy much needed thread because orders for her textiles have increased.

Gladys, along with seven other women, is a member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Quiajola 3 Rosas” in the department/state of Huehuetenango. These women are farmers of coffee and radishes, traditional textile weavers, and sellers of pewter containers. At their monthly meetings after making loan payments, they participate in an interactive educational training. Recent topics have been about savings and health care. Topics are relevant to their lives and are drawn from four areas: business, health, family, women. Each training is part of the “Microcredit Plus” program.

Thank you, Kiva investors, for learning about Gladys and her friends and for funding their much appreciated loans!

In this group: Aurelia, Floricelda , Catalina , Maria , Tereza , Maria Magdalena , Gladys Antonieta , Drindis Aniceta

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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