A loan helped to buy pandanus and mulberry for her business of weaving and making tapas.

Kalolaine's story

Her name is Kalolaine, and she is a mother of five. Kalolaine is helped by her daughter, in running a business of weaving and tapa-making. They conduct their weaving at home with just the two of them, while they join a group of women every Saturday for making the tapas. These two businesses are the main source of income for their family. Kalolaine usually travels overseas with her finished taovala, mats, and tapas, but since the lockdown due to COVID-19, she only exports them to her sister for marketing. Her daughter is very helpful with her business. Kalolaine is applying for this loan to buy mulberry and pandanus for her two business.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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