A loan helped to buy pandanus and mulberry for her business of weaving and making tapa cloth.

Ane's story

Ane is 21 years old, and still single. She helps her mother with her weaving business, and just last year, they also started a tapa cloth making business.

This loan she applies for is not only to buy pandanus (screw pine fibre) but also to buy good quality mulberry bark used in making tapa cloth. Once every week, she represents her mother by joining a group of women in the village for making tapas. More than one tapa is made, designed and then sold. For their weaving, they conduct it at home.

Ane is very responsible for helping her mother, knowing it is their primary source of income. Ane wants her younger siblings to finish their education, and make her sacrifice worthwhile. She applies for this loan to buy pandanus and mulberry bark for their business.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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