A loan helped provide quality and good paying jobs to single moms, recovering addicts and previous felons.

Amber Kuykendall's story

My name is Amber Kuykendall. The owner of Two Girls N Broom LLC. Residential and commercial cleaning service in Fort Collins, CO. I started my company in 2015 when I was sitting with a friend in your RV waiting for lunch at a local shelter. I was tired of not having stable employment and working low-paying jobs. So I thought what can I do for myself to help this. what do I already know how to do and wouldn't cost a lot of upfront cost to get started. With the last $20 in my pocket, I went to the local dollar store and bought some basic cleaning supplies, and placed my first ad on craigslist. Within a few days, I had my first client.

Currently, I now have 9 employees, an assistant, gross revenue of $175,000 this past year. I have to be able to provide employment to people that were having a hard time obtaining employment and struggling financially. One of my most rewarding things about being a small business owner is hearing a new hire tell me thanks for giving them a chance to show they are a hard worker. I have been successfully able to expand my company into what it is today. Hard to believe that just a little over 6 years I started my company while I was homeless and living out of the back of my SUV.

This loan is special because:

It helps this business continue to grow.

Loan details

About Two Girls N Broom LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: twogirlsnbroomllc.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details