A loan helped a Latina businesswoman to launch the new "Spiced Up" version, a distinct line of hand-mixed spices.

Massiel's story

I was born in Venezuela. I came to the US eager to give my best and be active in my community. I like cooking, sharing a good meal with friends, enjoying outdoor activities, and traveling. After the positive feedback, I started sharing my mixed spices with family and friends, and the growing demand brought me great satisfaction. This motivation made me interested in sharing my recipes with people because it’s easy to incorporate into a variety of dishes.
Last year I took an entrepreneurship program to learn and prepare myself to become a successful businesswoman.

This loan is special because:

It supports a minority-owned business in its startup phase.

Loan details

About Spiced Up

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details