A loan helped a member to supply operating capital for her business of mending clothes.

Dinamitas Group's story

Lourdes is an enterprising woman who is skillful at mending clothes and household items. Her maturity and clarity have enabled her to stay in this line of work and move forward. Even though she finished her university education, the job opportunities in her field were limited, so she decided to learn another trade.

Lourdes and the other members formed the group “Dinamitas”, in which she was named president. This group, which is mostly women, views Lourdes as an inspiration of determination and effort that motivates them to work hard at their businesses. They are seeking a loan to use as operating capital for buying merchandise, raw materials, and equipment so that they can offer better services and products. With this goal in mind, they went to the offices of Sembrar Sartawi to receive advice and financial support to help make their dreams come true.

In this group: Adela, Belen, Marcela Claudia, Lourdes, Teresa, Miguel Angel, Ruth , Urbana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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Lenders and lending teams

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