A loan helped to purchase an ACE-1 energy system for lighting, charging, and cooking.

Leak's story

Leak is a 44-year-old man who lives with six other family members in a two-bedroom house that has access to electricity. He works as a farmer and struggles with paying for charcoal, gas, and other energy expenses. Leak spends a total of 40 USD per month on all of his fuel and electricity expenses.

He purchased the ACE-1 cookstove to help his family save money every month on fuel. They will also be able to access solar electricity for charging their mobile devices anytime for free. The ACE-1 clean cookstove is powered by biomass and solar energy.

For more information on the ACE-1 cookstove, please visit www.africancleanenergy.com and Facebook @African Clean Energy.

This loan is special because:

It provides communities with energy saving cookstoves that also reduce pollution.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details