A loan helped a member to buy bales of garments to sell.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This is a large group whose members all strive for a better future so their loved ones do not lack anything. They are from the city of Concepción, which is a difficult area due to the presence of armed groups. The members are all looking for ways to improve their living conditions and that of their loved ones.

One of the members is Adelaida, who has a business selling used clothing. She says that she is doing very well and that the good variety she offers has already enabled her to build up a clientele that always buys from her.

She is a self-sacrificing person who, in spite of daily difficulties, looks for ways to improve and get ahead for the benefit of her loved ones.

She is requesting this loan to buy bales of garments to sell. She hopes this will allow her to continue with her sales and meet the demand of her customers.

Note: Although only three people appear in the photo, this is a group loan. A group photo was not possible because of social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Adelaida, Jorgelina, Juana De Jesus, Natalia, Elisa Isabel, Antonia, Maria Cristina, Graciela, Eladia, Francisca Raquel, Patricia Maria, Andrea Concepcion, Dominga, Felicia, Liz Aurora, Luz Marina, Marian Lucia, Jacinta, Maria Odina, Maria Ines, Agustina, Angelina, Maria Susana, Maria Sebastiana, Maria Petrona, Maria Magdalena, Sonia Margarita, Sandra Elizabeth, Maria Justina, Leticia Mabel, Araceli Elena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Graham Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details