A loan helped to purchase the biodigester for his daily cooking and farming.

Houeng's story

Houeng, age 50, is a farmer in Kampong Chhnang Province. He grows some types of crops such as cucumber, chili, and papaya. He lives with his wife and three children. His youngest son (in the photo) is too young, so his wife needs to spend a lot of time looking after their son.

He wants to buy a biodigester as he finds it as a cheaper source of renewable gas and organic fertilizer. He hopes that he can increase his crops yield, earn more money from selling vegetables and save some money by not buying chemical fertilizer.

Houeng is requesting a loan to buy a biodigester that will bring him this wonderful opportunity to develop the overall livelihood of his family.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it enables rural populations to access life-changing cooking technology

Loan details

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