A loan helped to buy four pigs and their feed as well as ready-to-wear clothes for resale.

Marie Alice's story

Marie Alice was not very successful with her previous activities, the potato cultivation and pig breeding business. However, she managed to pay back her loan and she continues to add to her savings to achieve her goal of building a house. She thanks all the lenders who have supported her.

She is asking once again for the support of the lenders to buy four pigs as well as 140 kgs of corn, 140 kgs of cassava and 240 kgs of bran to feed them. In addition, she will also start selling ready-to-wear clothes. She needs funding to buy tee-shirts, 6 pairs of pants and 5 ladies' handbags. She is confident that she will be successful in her business. She will continue to grow her savings with her profits.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monique ROSS.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details