A loan helped to pay her educational fees to the university.

Nora's story

Nora, who appears in the photo, is a wonderfully ambitious young girl who tries her utmost to achieve her dreams to be a doctor and make her family live a decent life.

She is a 20-year-old, living with her family in Hebron, West Bank. She is studying medicine at a local university. She is studying hard to graduate and start her vocational life by helping treat people.

Her father is the sole provider for the family, but his income isn't enough for the high expenses of Nora's education. For that reason, she turned to Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) to request a loan to pay her educational fees to the university. She hopes you will help by funding her loan.

This loan is special because:

It helps pay for school tuition for students from low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details