A loan helped a member purchase typical huipiles (traditional blouses) in a variety of colors and designs.

La Hacienda Group's story

28 year old Angélica is in a relationship and pleased to note she has 2 minor children who are in school. They live next to the village of Hacienda Vieja.
In search of improved growth, for several years she has devoted herself to embellishing and selling huipiles in beautiful colors that are typical for her region. Angelica's business has enabled her to support her children's education and help with household expenses.
With the intention of advancing her business, Angelica approached ADICLA with a request for a loan to invest in the purchase of purchase typical huipiles in a variety of colors and designs. She is confident that this will help her offer her customers a variety of garments and bring in a good profit.

In this group: Angélica Felisa , Josefa, Maribel , Aura Marina , Valeriana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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