A loan helped to buy a display and supplies such as letter paper reams, manila envelopes, dusters, pencils, erasers, etc.

Claudia Estela's story

Claudia is an enterprising woman who worked in domestic labor for many years, and as a result and upon completion of the work, was granted compensation and used it to open a business offering copies, printing, and phone calls on a main road. Afterward, she was offered to acquire a franchise to offer public services payments and to recharge phone credit, which she thought it was a good idea to generate more income and take advantage of the location and the flow of people who visit the area every day.

Claudia is currently requesting her first loan with Fundación Santo Domingo to invest in the purchase of a display, and supplies such as letter paper reams, manila envelopes, dusters, pencils, erasers, etc. Support her in her business loan.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Soledad Merlo.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers that are sole contributors to their household income in Colombia.

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