A loan helped to pay her children's school fees and new stock needed in her retail store.

Wendy's story

Wendy, aged 39, is a brilliant business woman who dreams of securing a bright future for her children. She is a mother of three children of which only two attend school. Her husband runs a rubbish collection business on a client basis. She lives with her husband and children in a suburban area which is a 40 minutes drive to town. She currently runs a retail store from her humble home to earn a living.

She initially started this business with the aim of meeting her daily household necessities. Her dream is to ensure all her children complete their studies, get a qualification and a better job. Her current plan is to grow her store by adding new products in her retail store. However, her current challenge lies within the funds to execute her plan.

She is requesting a loan to pay for her children's school fees and new stock needed in her retail store. With the income earned, she will support her family and save money for her future plans.

Through this loan, Wendy is empowered to grow her business and secure a better life for her children.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details