A loan helped to purchase more store goods.

Ruth's story

Ruth is 38 years old and is a housewife with three (3) children. One of her child is a baby still on breast feed and is with her mother at the market site. Ruth is from Murik Lakes in the lower Sepik River in East Sepik Province. She is currently living in Wewak town along the beach with her family and doing her informal market sales at her residence and Wewak town market.

Ruth is selling gas lighters, lollies, 3 in one coffee packets, maggie cubes, flex cards and snowballs. These item are most wanted by many shoppers and especially lollies which children love to chew because they are sweets.

She knows her customers' needs and her goods are set to go daily because of the demand. Her daily income is sufficient to sustain her family.

From this loan, she will purchase the goods in bulk which she can sell throughout the month instead of fortnightly orders. She has a good cash flow forecast and is able to service her loan within schedule given.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

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