A loan helped to pay for baking ingredients to increase the doughnuts she sells and also make an installment on land, while supporting her family and education.

Annie's story

Annie, 23, is a young and determined businesswoman who dreams of becoming self-reliant in life. She lives with her parents in a suburban area which is a 30-minute drive to town. She currently runs a small bakery, focusing on producing delicious homemade doughnuts, to earn a living. Equally, she takes tourism courses at a training institution with the goal of gaining skills to run her own business.

She initially started this business to support her family and pay for her tuition fees. Her dream is to purchase land and grow her business by adding more products to her bakery. However, her current challenge is that she lacks the funds to achieve her dreams.

She is requesting a loan to help her pay for baking ingredients to increase her quantity of doughnuts. She will also use this loan to make an installment on some land. With the income she earns from her baking business, she will continue to invest in her business, education and family.

Through this loan, Annie is empowered to grow her business and become the successful self-reliant entrepreneur she deserves to be.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details