A loan helped to buy 2 bales of good-quality clothing to sell.

Claudine's story

Claudine is a mother of a family, 35 years old, who is married. The couple have two children to support. She lives in a family house located in a busy district in town. Five years ago, she launched into selling secondhand clothing. The couple assist one another to meet the needs of their house and home.

She would like to develop her commerce to earn more from it than usual. For this, she needs more funding, so she is asking for the support of backers to finance her plans.

With this loan money, she will be able to purchase 2 bales of quality clothing to sell. She operates her commerce door to door. The earnings will go towards boosting her capital.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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