A loan helped to buy cups, candies, fruits, boxes, and balloons, among other items.

Rosa Angela's story

Rosa Angela is 28 years old. She is single and has no children. She lives with her parents in the city of Manta, a place known for its extensive fishing business, its beautiful beaches, and its rich and varied gastronomy.

Rosa Angela is an enterprising woman who works hard to get ahead and to support her family. She makes handicrafts for special times such as birthdays and quinceañeras, and little gifts for couples, among other occasions. She offers and publicizes her work through the social networks, since in this way she finds customers and obtains sales. She has been working in her business every day for some years, and she has regular customers who request her services because of the quality of her work.

The loan is to buy cups, candies, fruits, boxes, and balloons, among other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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