A loan helped enable access to clean water for over 250 households in rural Kenya.

Visionary Empowerment Programme's story

70% of rural communities in Kenya are not connected to the government water supply and walk long distances in search of clean water. They rely on unimproved water sources, such as ponds, shallow wells and rivers, exposing them to water borne diseases. Women and young girls bear the burden of fetching water, impacting education, productive work, and recreation time.

Visionary Empowerment Programme (VEP) employs a group lending model for women that focuses primarily on rural Kenyan farmers who also engage in microentrepreneur activities. The groups are made up of 15 to 35 women. Through this model, VEP offers loans for high impact assets such as water tanks, solar home systems, bio-gas, and clean cookstoves. Alongside the loan products, VEP also offers trainings on business management and personal finance.

VEP has 5 branches that serve over 400 women groups in 15 Kenyan counties. To date, VEP has provided over 17,200 clients with water harvesting solutions.

A loan of $100,000 will allow VEP to expand its water tank loan portfolio reaching more people with water harvesting solutions. The first direct beneficiaries are estimated to be approximately 260 households. This is VEP’s first loan through the Kiva Social Enterprise program.

This loan is special because:

It enables rural Kenyans to access clean, affordable water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details