A loan helped to make fuel reserves and procure circulating means for the seasonal agricultural works to continue to develop his own business.

Nicolae's story

Nicolae thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan which helped him to procure circulating means for threshing grain and other seasonal works. Due to this, he was able to continue to develop his agricultural business.

Nicolae continues to deal with agriculture, this being a family business. He deals with cultivation of cereals. He works his own land and leases it from individuals from the village. In total this year he sowed 199 ha with various cereals. Nicolae has his own agricultural technique, which allows him to carry out almost all agricultural works.

He is a hardworking man and quickly performs all agricultural work. At the moment Nicolae wants another Kiva loan to make fuel reserves. The recent price increases are creating difficulties for him and the expenses for land cultivation are increasing considerably. Benefiting from the loan, he will have the possibility to procure circulating means for the seasonal works. The harvest will be done on time and Nicolae will get the expected harvest.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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Loan details