A loan helped a member to buy supplies.

Villanueva Group's story

Adela is 42 and single, with 4 children. She has prepared and sold food for 10 years. A typical day for her is getting up very early, getting her children ready, and doing the housework. After that, she prepares the supplies for making the food she will sell that day.

This is the second time she has taken out a loan and she is planning on investing it in her business by buying supplies to prepare the food she sells. She met the members of her group through friends in the neighborhood where she lives.

Her goals and aspirations for her life and her family are to get her children ahead. Her goals and her aspirations for this loan are to expand her business.

Only the board of directors appears in the photo, because they did a remote disbursement due to the pandemic.

In this group: Lizeth Paola, Paulino, Monica, Erika , Adela , Cipriana, Mery, Jose Luis

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

Loan details

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