A loan helped young LGBTQ+ young entrepreneurs believe in self-sustainability through purpose-driven businesses.

Augusto's story

I currently work as a program coordinator for a local nonprofit and recently decided to launch an online beauty and wellness boutique.

During my uni years, while studying architecture, I decided to venture into the business world and later became a board member for a nonprofit dedicated to young entrepreneurs. Two years later, hurricanes María and Irma hit the Island and I had no other option than to relocate to Miami.

I then became a strategic partnership consultant in the luxury world and a few years later, COVID-19 hit, and the luxury industry was the first to shut down.

Without a job, I had to rethink everything and move back to Puerto Rico. While quarantined, I started studying the luxury world and realized that luxury is no longer just a product itself, it’s the combination of product, purpose, and experience.

Therefore I started to think of ways that I could provide a luxurious experience that everyone could afford. The solution? Wellness. Nowadays, with everything that’s going on, taking the time to take care of and pamper yourself is a luxury. So, for those that don’t have the time or the money to spend on a spa or expensive retreats, I offer them the luxury of ordering online their beauty and wellness products and enjoying pampering themselves in the comfort of their home.

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About Gufi Inc.

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: shopgufi.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details