A loan helped a woman-owned business hire employees to investigate unsolved cold cases and wrongful convictions.

Virginia's story

My experience as a kidnap and rape victim at 18 years of age, though one of the darkest moments in my life, became the basis for my passion and interest in violent crimes. I came to a moment in time where I realized the darkness would either consume me or I could make the conscious choice to rise up from the brokenness and use my experience to help others.

That realization gave birth to my life's work and left me with an unshakeable resolve to get to the truth. It also imparted to me a deep understanding of the human spirit's ability to overcome even the most horrific of circumstances. I became acutely aware of the truth that we are not defined by the tragedies and heartaches of life, but by how we choose to respond to them. Darkness has no power over us save what we give to it.

With every case, I work I know full well that it could be my family searching for answers, I could be the missing person, the unidentified remains, with no name and no story. I was fortunate enough to survive that night and I have dedicated my life to being the voice of those who can no longer speak for themselves.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Braden Investigations and Consulting

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: BradenInvestigations.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details