A loan helped to help with the building of their new house, for their old house was destroyed by the tsunami in January.

Malia's story

This mother's name is Malia. She has eight children, and they live in a tent for now. Malia's house was wiped away by the tsunami, in January. All her belongings and everything were washed away, luckily, no life was lost. They fled to another area just in time. She started a new business, which is making tapas. Malia joins a group of women in the village, and what they are doing is more like renewing everything after the tsunami. They make tapas and sell out to local customers only. Malia applies for this loan, to help with the building of their new house. January disaster is a day to remember. The village where Malia lives was the most affected by the tsunami.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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