A loan helped a member to buy sacks of potatoes in bulk, which will strengthen her initial capital.

Ishuzo Group's story

Madame Leonie is a client of Hekima IMF and presides over the village group "ISHUZO". She is married, 57 years old, and the mother of 10 children who are all in school. Her partner is unemployed.

She is a food saleswoman and started this business 8 years ago with the start-up funds received from her husband. Later, she involved the Hekima program to support her business during which time she progressively evolved. With this new loan, she will buy sacks of potatoes in bulk, which will strengthen her initial capital. The challenge of her business is related to potato rot.

She would like to buy a land plot. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support given to non-moneymaking business owners in this global crisis context related to covid-19. The photo is only of the leader of the group because of covid-19 in respect of social distancing measures.

In this group: Leonie, Sebastien, Zawadi, Sifa, Pacifique

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Danielle Schmidt.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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