A loan helped us expand our business to serve the community the tools for peace & health.

Jazzmin's story

I have been teaching yoga, meditation, and fitness for twelve years to serve others and help them cultivate peace in their everyday lives. My passion for health and wellness lead me to challenge myself to finish my Exercise Science and Psychology degrees while raising my daughter in order to share more knowledge with the community around me. I have always wanted to provide some form of healthcare to others and have found my niche through these wellness tools. My mission is to leave people and places better than I find them and to empower others to do the same in their lives. By teaching these wellness tools, I am able to plant seeds of peace that inevitably spread throughout our communities. I advocate for mental health awareness because it is a vital component of our wellness and my mission is to continue to change lives by offering these services and educating more people on how to lead healthy and peaceful lives. With this support, I will be able to provide proper equipment, hire essential employees, invest in marketing, and pay rental fees.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Flow

Industry: Health
Years in operation: More than 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details