A loan helped to buy more feeds and other farm inputs for her chickens; she will also pay school fees with the balance.

Joyce's story

Joyce is a single mother who is blessed with five children. She is an astute businesswoman who knows how to run her business diligently and treat her customers well. Her business involves poultry farming, which she enjoys very much.

Over time Joyce has been gaining a lot of experience that is helping her to retain her customers. The business is also helping to grow the local economy by promoting local suppliers.

Joyce is kindly requesting a loan that will help her to boost her business as well as pay school fees for her children, and she is committed to repaying her loan using the profits she makes.

She intends to use the rest of her profits to meet her goal of owning more than 20 dairy cows to grow her milk production.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase supplies and agricultural equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details