A loan helped to purchase and install a heating system, which has a boiler and a stove, in his house.

Tserenpil's story

Tserenpil is a humble, helpful and open-minded person. He lives with his wife and three-year-old son in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. They all live together in their own house, built and purchased in 2008.

Tserenpil currently operates a transportation business in the city, using a van that he owns. He enjoys the work. He started his business in 2006, after obtaining a loan to purchase his van. He has found much success as a driver. He and his wife purchased a 2000-year-model van last autumn. He says the loans have changed his life and he appreciates that.

He is requesting a loan to purchase and install a heating system, which has a boiler and a stove, in his house.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details