A loan helped a member to buy materials to build a better pigsty for her animals.

Emprendedoras 6 De Enero Group's story

The Emprendedoras 6 De Enero Group is in its seventh women's committee loan cycle. The members set a goal of growing not only economically but also as individuals. They help each to get ahead together so they can provide for their loved ones.

Irma Delicia is one of the members of the group and her goal is to be able to help her family. She raises and sells pigs and also has a butcher business.

She is a very self-sacrificing person who starts work every day early in the morning.

She is applying for this loan to buy materials to build a larger pigsty for her animals so she can continue her work.

In this group: Elva, Guadalupe Estefana, Rumilda, Norma Beatriz, Lourdes, Irene, Rosa Isabel, Irma Delicia, Lidia Elizabeth, Griselda, Ilda Floria, Ramona, Norma, Catia Carolina, Margarita, Del Rosaria, Cristina Gladis, Crismilda, Herenia, Yesica Maribel, Virginia, Yissel, Clara Rosa

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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Lenders and lending teams

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