A loan helped a member to buy clothing, shoes and lingerie among other products.

San Antonio Group's story

This group was formed in the city of Concepcion. It is a difficult area due to the presence of armed groups in the area. Despite of this, everyone seeks a way to be able to better themselves and continue to offer their loved ones everything that they could not have.

One of them is Hilda Cristina. She is an entrepreneurial person who works and with a lot of effort seeks a way to be able to help sustain her household. She sells clothes, lingerie and shoes among other products. She sells on the streets.

She mentions that her business is very demanding but she searches for a way to get ahead. She is asking for this loan to buy clothes, shoes and lingerie among other products to be able to continue with her sales and meet her customers’ demands.

Only three people appear in this photo but this is a group loan. It was not possible to do a group picture to avoid the build-up of people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Fanny Elizabeth, Teresa Dejesus, Liz Rosalba, Maria Del Carmen, Maria Selva, Ermelinda, Romina Graciela, Jorgelina Judith, Georgina, Jorgelina, Delpilar, Josefina, Alicia, Isabel, Neida Mariza, Blanca Carolina, Hilda Cristina, Maria, Ysabel, Candida, Viviana, Karina Elizabeth, Mirian Rossana, Dora Alice

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details