A loan helped a woman-owned Christian business share the gospel via faith-based beauty products aimed to empower.

Vania's story

For years, I have wanted to become an entrepreneur and have had many good ideas, however, I just couldn't seem to come up with an idea that I felt passionate enough about. In 2019, during a challenging time in my life, I attended a local pop-up event. It was that day that the seed was planted to begin a beauty/cosmetics business. In addition to seeing an opportunity in this area, I also saw an opportunity to finally create and sell a product that was tied to something I really enjoy, which is make-up and beauty. Being able to sell products that I truly enjoy wearing and using is truly a motivating factor for me.

If I weren’t so passionate about my business and what it stands for, I would’ve given up on pursuing it in 2020 after losing my job as a result of the pandemic. Instead, I used the time I was unemployed to buckle down and accomplish what I needed to in order to launch.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About SoS Gloss LLC

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: sosgloss.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details