A loan helped to purchase more spare parts to repair bicycles for the community.

Jean Bosco's story

Jean Bosco is married with three children and he lives happily with his family in the north of the country. He is organized and he sells spare parts to repair bicycles for the community. He has been in this business for the past seven years and he has one employee to help him.

He is requesting a loan to purchase more spare parts to repair bicycles for the community. Through this loan, Jean Bosco can meet the increasing demands of his customers and cover all of the basic needs at home with any profits. Also, he will be able to pay school fees for his children, to get enough food for his family, and expand his business.

Jean Bosco is very thankful to all the lenders!

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs helping to rebuild Rwanda's economy.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details