A loan helped to purchase of a stove with a built-in iron grill, a tank of propane gas and corn; for improving the production of tortillas.

Sara Esmeralda's story

Sara is asking for another loan because she does not have the necessary financial resources to make a new investment in her business, which is necessary to cover the existing demand for her product, since her client portfolio has grown. Sara will invest in the purchase of a stove with a built-in iron grill, a propane gas tank and corn.

This purchase will help her to change part of the tortillas production process, since currently, it is in done in an artesanal way and she makes the tortillas using a wood burner and a clay grill. With the investment Sara will improve the production of tortillas.

The previous loan allowed her to supply her business with the basic inputs for the manufacturing of tortillas. Thanks to the investment, her business is growing along with her profits which has given her the opportunity to improve her economic condition. Sara's family group has not changed.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to savings accounts.

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