Jonis is 25 years old and single. He raises basic grains, coffee, and chia. He learned this work with the help of his father. He is applying to FUNDENUSE for a loan with Kiva finds to make the payment to rent land and to purchase agricultural supplies to main 2 manzanas [about 3.5 acres] of corn and 4 manzanas [about 7 acres] of beans.
His goals are to be able to construct his home and buy a vehicle to get around more easily. With the previous loan, he was able to maintain his crops well, and the harvest was very good.
He is part of the solidarity group "Los Leones de Maquengales" along with Lucila, Ezequiel, and Rubén, who work in agriculture.
In this group: Jonis, Rubén, Lucila, Ezequiel
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry. View original language description.