A loan helped to buy materials for her bakery.

Monica's story

Monica is 25 years old. She's single and currently lives with her daughter. The loan that she wants is to buy inventory, such as flour, leavening, and sugar, among other products for the business that she has.
Monica has a business making doughnuts that are typical of her region in the north of the country. She inherited the recipe from her mother and now Monica makes this type of doughnuts and other foods with her own recipes that, because of their quality and cultural value, sell very well, as all of her baking is of an artisanal nature, but she's taking this loan to continue growing and producing more.

She dreams of having a large bakery, and is very thankful to FUDECOSUR for the support it has offered her since the start of her business, and thanks to which, at the other times when they've loaned to her, she's gone ahead improving and expanding the production of what she sells, and earning more money which will help her improve her quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

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