A loan helped to pay for cooking ingredients and cordial, which she will use to prepare meals and juice for her customers.

Leirei's story

Leirei, aged 48, is a strong and hardworking mother of three children. All her children attend school and her husband is a seasonal worker. She lives with her husband and children in a shanty rental space, which is a 10-minute drive to town. She currently runs a food stall from an open space near her home, selling delicious meals at an affordable price.

She initially started this business with the aims of ensuring all her children complete their studies and live a better life. She dreams of purchasing land and building a permanent home for her family through her business.

She plans to pay for more cooking ingredients needed to prepare her meals, and cordial to prepare juice. However, given her heavy responsibilities and the rising price of retail goods, she is in need of financial assistance.

She is requesting a loan to pay for cooking ingredients and cordial, which she will use to prepare meals and juice for her customers. With the income earned, she will pay for her children’s school fees and household necessities and save money for her future plans.

With this loan, Lerei is motivated to keep operating her business and being a supportive mother in her household.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details