A loan helped a member to purchase organic soil amendments.

Las Guerreras Group's story

Indigenous female famers in the rural zones of Guatemala face many challenges, including gender inequality, infestations of insects, and climate change. María and her spouse work hard on their small plot of land to grow cardamom twice a year. She is 23 years old, married, and does not have children. She was unable to go to school.

As María wants to continue selling her product wholesale, she now needs her first Kiva loan. She would like to purchase organic soil amendments.

There are 9 Maya women who speak Q'eqchi and live in the department/state of Quiché who form the Friendship Bridge communal bank Las Guerreras. They are all cardamom farmers. Thanks to the monthly training, the women learn a lot about effective commercial practices and practical topics such as health, hygiene, nutrition, and the use of medicinal plants.

Friendship Bridge has an advanced program of loans and agricultural training that offers trainings "in the field" to increase the yield and generate greater results. This effective combination of loans, education, and health care is called Microcrédito Plus.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for the vital role you play in the lives of these women!

In this group: Juliana , Juana , Lucia, Nancy Lorenza, Karla Liliana, Irma Lucrecia , Maria , Rosa Cecilia, Rosa

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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