A loan helped to purchase more material and sewing items.

Nelly's story

Nelly is from East Sepik Province. She is 32 years old, married, and has four children. She lives in her own home in Wewak town. Nelly's village is next to a teachers' college and a secondary high school with a total population estimated at 20,000, including the villages in the cluster.

Nelly's main business is selling sewn clothes (meri blouse) according to customer demand, especially from the two big schools. These days the girls and women want to dress in colors every day, and Nelly has been sewing according to the demand. There are women's groups, church groups, and special occasions throughout the year that put Nelly's services in high demand to sew efficiently to meet the deadlines. She has sleepless nights when she gets orders to sew from 100 to 150 clothes in a week, but she loves sewing.

Nelly has no issues with sewing except a shortage of supplies. She applied for this loan to increase her stock in materials and the sewing items like thread, pins, and needles.

Nelly is friendly to all her customers, as they are to her, throughout the year. She plans to purchase another sewing machine from her profits to increase her productivity as well. The more sewing she does, the bigger profits she earns to cater to her family's daily needs and save for the future. With the increased activity, she will create jobs for two girls to assist her in sewing more clothes to meet her customers' orders.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details