A loan helped to help her pay for more raw kava and the transportation costs to ship it to the city.

Patricia's story

Patricia aged 42, is a brave and determined business woman with dreams of building a better life for her family. She is a single mother with three children. Her eldest child attends junior secondary and her two youngest children attend primary school. She lives with her children in an urban area which is a 5 minutes drive from Port Vila city.

She is currently operating a kava juice business from an open rental space near her home. She initially started this business to secure a better education for her schooling children. Her dream is to build a permanent home for her children on a land which she has purchased in the rural district not far from the city.

Her business routines start with weekly orders of raw kava from her home island in Malekula which is 180 kilometres away from the city. Then she prepares the kava juice to sell every evening. With the income earned, she pays for her utility bills, rental fees and children's school fees. She wants to increase her kava juice production to generate more income but is challenged by the increased transportation fees and increased price of raw kava due to the COVID crisis.

She is requesting a loan to help her pay for more raw kava and the transportation costs to ship it to the city. This will help her to increase her kava juice produce and increase her income. With increased income, she will be able to continue supporting her schooling children and eventually build a permanent home for her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details