A loan helped to purchase an automatic scythe that will allow him to optimize his harvesting services.

Pablo's story

Pablo is an avid coffee producer from La Florida, Nariño, with more than 25 years of experience in the business. Pablo currently owns 4 hectares of land which he distributes around 10,000 coffee plants which he sells to Colombia’s National Coffee Association. All of his crops are staggered in different stages to ensure year-long production and income. Besides his coffee production, Pablo is also an avid harvester and collector who offers his service to different farms around his region.

Pablo is single and lives with his parents in a house that was built by his father more than 30 years ago. With both his crops and harvesting services, he expects to buy his own house in the next couple of years.

A loan of $1.997.987 COP helps Pablo to purchase an automatic scythe that will allow him to optimize his harvesting services.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

Loan details

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