A loan helped a member the purchase of more chicks for her poultry business.

Twendagane Development Group-Jinja's story

K. Susan is 24 years old and she belongs to Twendagane Development Group-Jinja. Though she has been inundated with the stereotypical view that women’s chances of success in business are low, she like other entrepreneurial women has chosen to blaze a trail that will go a long way in demystifying that idea. It is 3 years ago that she drew up the blueprint that started her beauty salon, home decoration and poultry businesses in Bugembe-Jinja. She accords credit to her mom whom she says inspired her.

Previously she was working in a local factory. 350,000 shillings is what accrues to her business weekly. Susan is married with 2 kids. With this loan, she wants to buy more chicks for her poultry business.

In this group: Susan, Justine, Rebecca, Henery, Dorothy, Florence, Janifa, Juliet, Sarah, Paul, Mariam, Christine

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