A loan helped to buy more agricultural surplus such as cereals and Irish potatoes to sell at the market.

Teresinha's story

Teresinha is a 56-year-old Mozambican woman. She lives in Tsangano, a district within Tete Province, where she runs her huge farm of vegetables and cereals.

Teresinha's main veggie production is Irish potatoes, which are sold within Tete province, Beira corridor as well as in Malawi. Besides this, Teresinha also grows a variety of cereals such as maize and sorghum to be sold at the main market.

Thanks to her activity in agriculture, she has been able to sustain her family and reinvest in her business. For that reason, she had also become a Farmer Business Adviser who supports smaller farmers to build their own businesses and get access to good markets.

Considering the current demand for cereals, Teresinha is unable to grow the huge amount her clients need. Thus, she needs to acquire more products from other farmers. That's why she is requesting her second Kiva loan to buy more agricultural surplus such as cereals and Irish potatoes to sell at the market.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

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